Thursday, December 11


OK! Lets TiVo these last few weeks! Where do I start? After is all but impossible to go back to work after an awesome 4 day weekend. And it has seemed like its been Go Dogs Go! Since then. Finally this morning I woke up and it was that day you realize that you need a serious mental health day to get back on your feet. So here is a rewind of whats happened the last few weeks.

Christmas Tree Hunting

On Dec. 6 we ventured to Wyldoming to get a few Christmas trees. I was looking forward to this one for about a month. The best advice I have for anyone who goes Tree hunting is this: Bring Kelby. He is the handiest thing to have around. He was all for doing the manual labor, I think I'll bring him along next year! My next piece of advice: Save yourself the extra trip...leave your cell phone in the car. We got got home only to discover that Kelly's phone was missing. So we went back up and LUCKILY we found it the first place we checked. Suprisingly, he had service there.
We got a cute baby tree for Kelly and another Charlie Brown type of creature for me. Let me tell you...They look a lot smaller in the forest. We got home and I swear I had to cut a good 5 feet off that thing. But it looks good in my living room loaded with presents. And with the remains...I have pine boughs everywere. Yup, its a forest, and I had a HUGE mess of it for a while there. But I love Christmas Decor. I wonder if Kelly will let me keep it there all year?

We also snagged a tree for Scott and Peg, it is a beautiful I just have to finish getting it decorated. I started on Tuesday...but had to hit the hay before all of the ornaments were hung. I have until Christmas, right?

Adding to the Family...

Last night Kyle got engaged! And not just engaged...but engaged to a perfect girl who is going to be awesome to have around as a sister-in-law. You can never have too many people to love and I'm very excited to add another person to my family!
We went out to 2nd dam right after work and got the lights and roses going. I think it turned out great! EXCEPT KYLE LOCKED HIS CAR! Megan...he doesn't follow directions very well. HAHA. Welcome to the family! Married life is going to be better than you two could ever even imagine!


And that brings us to the present. Tonight I am refusing to do anything or go anywhere. I have a date with Kelly, the couch, a cup of hot cocoa, and "The Office".

2 what you think:

Mellen said...

So when do we get to see them there Christmas trees? You are going way overboard this year--what are you a newlywed or something? Are you really such a Christmas fanatic or are you just trying to torture Kelly and put Kelby to work? Have you never heard of child labor laws?! :)

Muir said... all of the above!