Tuesday, March 17

Movie Trivia

Here's a fun one. There are 15 classic lines from my favorite movies below. See how many answers you can get right and I'll knock 'em off the list. On your marks...get set....GO!

Ok, Only 2 have been answered.....Keep trying! Ok, I'm going to give you a few more hints on some of them....

1. "Which one of you is attracted to me?"
---"I would become a professional whistler! I'm already pretty amazing at it"
Madagascar 2

2. "Aspen? I don't know Lloyd, the French are assholes." Dumb and Dumber

3. "I'm getting whiplash from your moodswings." Twilight

4. "The next time you boys try to B.S. me, why don't you try B.S.-ing each other instead."
---"Gotta get my slurpy on."

5. "At no point in your rambling, incohearant response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul." Billy Madison

6. "Oh man, don't get me started. I could talk about Euthanasia all day."

7. "Just go with what you feel! You got like 12 feet!"
---"You were the one who was afraid to try the new Dr. Pepper." "I TOLD YOU THAT IN CONFIDENCE!"

8. "I see you've been missing work lately" "I haven't been at work, but I wouldn't say I've been missing it." Office Space

9. "This is my lesbian sister...Go ahead, tell them about your softball team."
---"WHY?!" "YOU KNOW WHY!!!!"
What happens in Vegas

10. "Sean! I read your story. You used a lot of big words. Great! Good for you! It was a little long, so I didn't read the whole thing, but who cares, cuz I gave you an A!"
---"I think My english Teacher is illiterate"

11. "We have a better chance playing pick-up sticks with our butt cheeks than making it to Witchitaw tonight." Planes, Trains, & Automobiles

12. "Where you gonna put a tree that size?" "Bend over, I'll show you!" Christmas Vacation

13. "Can't I just spray some pam down there?" "That's a valid question." Baby Mama

14. "I'm sorry they don't make a 'sorry your coach was crushed by 10,000 tons of irony' Hallmark Card"

15. "This is just a sample."
---"My safe word is Whiskey"

5 what you think:

Jess said...

2. Dumb & Dumber
I will keep thinking...

Jess said...

Is 12 Christmas Vacation?

Jess said...

Your's are way too hard for me! You will have to just put the answers.

Jess said...

3. Twilight

Stephanie said...

1. Madagascar 2

5. Billy Madison

7. Accepted

8. Office Space

9. What Happens in Vegas

11. Planes, Trains, and automobiles...but is it another movie? your quote is a little wrong!!!

13. Baby Mama (this quote was seriously funny-wait till you ahve a kid then watch this movie again!)

Bad luck to end on 13, but I don't know the other two!!!