Monday, January 3

Being Cliche

I guess the New Year is time for resolutions. I didn't make any, I usually don't only for the fact that every week of my life I have some new wild ambition or goal, but when I didn't make one I almost felt it was me saying "I don't need to change anything" HA! Couldn't be farther from the truth. So I thought about it....weight loss or exercise goals, well...that's out of the window until JUNE! So in June I will start making my running goals, I really do want to run a marathon in my near future but now is not the best time to train. :) So I dug a little deeper and decided maybe now is a good time to work on a few of my character flaws seeing how I now need to be a good example for my children. So my new resolution is to CHILL OUT and just be happy. If i can't be happy about it then it doesn't matter. I'm going to try my best to not get bent out of shape or offended over stupid things, to give others the benefit of the doubt, and to let go of any issues I've have from my past and start fresh. So hold me to it everyone! I'm in a drama free/gossip free zone! And I'm doing my best to stay there! I have a tendency to get absorbed in trivial matters that don't really involve me or the big picture, life is too short to do anything but celebrate the good. 2011 is my year to laugh about things and to smile, it's going to be an exciting year for us and I can't wait to enjoy it to its full potential!

0 what you think: