Monday, March 2

Light at the end of the tunnel...

It's March! And that is kind of a big deal to me. It means there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Winter is on the retreat. I've been ready for summer since Christmas was over...but now, I'm really ready to start seeing green instead of white.
We went to Star Valley this weekend so we could show Ted off to the family. (And so Charle and Kelby could fight over him all weekend) The snow is still a good 3+ feet deep out there. Kelby & Justis were actually jumping off the roof it was so deep. And it was about 15 below on Friday night. Logan is feeling pretty good right now! Although I'd really like to be able break out the scooter and go for a ride...I'll be content for now, but I'm begging and pleading for some warm sunshine!

1 what you think:

Stephanie said...

didn't you know it can still snow in JUNE???