Friday, January 21

Ego Check

Today my ego is huge...overwhelmingly so. I got to come home from school and brag a little bit because I got asked out in my English class. Makes a 6 month pregnant woman feel pretty damn good. Lets face it...when you have to work hard just to bend over, squeeze your thighs into those jeans for at least one more day and grunt just to get yourself up off the couch a little compliment goes a long way. But then I have to ask myself, did I get asked out becasue I look good...or because its aparent that I put out? Regardless, I'm going to hang onto this story for years to come I'm sure.

2 what you think:

Heather said...

LOVE IT!! It always makes me feel good when I get hit on. It means I'm still cute even though I have two kids and stretch marks to prove it.

Stephanie said...

Damn you're HOT!