Wednesday, April 8

From the beginning:

I can't wait to go to Las Vegas/Los Angeles in 23 more days. In preparation for this anticipated event I decided that I was in need of a trip to the electric beach to take some of the white off this body. When I got there I decided that I was going to get what I was paying for. Why pay the same price for 10 minutes under the lights when I can get 20? Bargain shopping is not a good idea in this situation. No matter how much I enjoyed the heat when I was in there...I can't say that it was worth the fury of my skin last night. I got home...just a tad red....figured I'd end up with a minor burn and then it would go tan. By the time we got through watching our movie and ready for bed I looked like a lobster with a sunburn. I put lotion on hoping that would help the itch, but then we decided that wasn't the best idea. Instead we opted to remedy the situation with a cold shower. I started with a luke warm temperature, because no matter how hard I tried I could not bring myself to jump right into the cold water. So as I'm easing myself into a cooler temperature and turn my back Kelly turns it to sub zero. I started squealing and was hiding at the back of the tub jumping up and down while Kelly soaked me with the shower head. I looked exactly like Ted when we're trying to give him a bath...poor little dog! I'll never bathe him again if its that terrible.
And that brings us to the present...where my butt hurts so bad just sitting here. I dread the moment I have to move.

1 what you think:

Stephanie said...

You know that Kc can commiserate with you....he fried his ace too, before his wedding- he 'didn't want to be pasty white.' The weirdest thing: He showed me his zebra stripes-that weirded me out BIGTIME!!!