Monday, April 6

Slow & Steady Wins the Race:

I gave this post the title I did, only because Kelly and I don't push ourselves too hard if we don't have to. We were going to be all moved into our new place this weekend, and we're close. But the afternoon naps and sleeping in were well worth the extra 2 days it's going to take to get completely packed over there. A large part of this has to do with the fact that we scrubbed and bleached the entire place so that we would feel really clean moving in. I should say Kelly did. He's been so awesome about getting everything ready for us to move. Another huge delay, is that I took a bunch of time and hung up all my home decor rather than focusing on packing and moving. Well worth it though, It will already feel like home when we move over. And again. Kelly was such a good sport about helping me hang shelves and things, and coming to look and give his opinion after every thing I created. My husband is so good to me....I don't have the slightest idea as to what I'd do without him.

0 what you think: