Tuesday, March 30

Live Simply

Have you ever been so bored it becomes excruciating? Last night I was too ambitious to watch TV and too lazy to get off the couch. Puts you in a tough spot where the only solution is to complain about it. haha. Kelly came to my rescue and took me to get a frozen yogurt (my weakness), then we parked in an emptly lot and watched the sun set. It really makes you stop and realize how the simple things in life are the things that make it special. Sitting there daydreaming with the one person I love above and beyond anything in this world found me about as happy as I can imagine.

1 what you think:

Heather said...

You are so funny! I love reading your blog. Anyhow, just thought I'd let you know that even though I thought my bracket was destroyed with the loss of Kansas(I'm still mad at them) I'm second place in my pool all because of a little faith in Butler. Whahoo!! I LOVE beating boys!